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Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke COWS Interpreter Driving System COWS Version 1.4 March 20, 1994 This file describes, in English, what the various COWS Interpreter functions are doing in Objective-C. It is not entirely accurate, but it should give you a general idea of what's going on. The interpreter works by starting up a pulsing function in GO, and letting the system run to completion. The interpreter maintains its own internal stack (see COWSStack.h), onto which it places a number of different nodes, just like many things are stuck on a real machine's stack. The stack is theoretically infinite in size. You don't need to understand the internal workings of the interpreter to connect your application to it, or to write a COWS program! It's just here for those daring few who might want to make their own interpreters or modify mine and want to understand how the heck this thing works. Some Caveats I assume that errors automatically return without finishing out a method. This system is started up by calling EXECUTE PROGRAM, which executes some initial function in the program defined by Symbol Name, using the arguments in Argument List. The main function in the COWS Interpreter Driving System is READEVAL, which is driven by a timed entry (clock) or by a pulsing function through GO. If functions drop out, it's assumed that they just finish, return control to the timed entry or pulsing function, and READEVAL starts up again. In some cases I've marked a function as "continuing to ReadEval". This is the same thing...I just got sick of writing it... Because this interpreter is pulsed, it is not reentrant! Reentrance should be simulated through pausing the interpreter, initializing another, calling a function on that interpreter, destroying it, and resuming the interpeter with the return value. Oh, and if that weren't all, this won't work if the interpreter is synchronous. Interpreter Functions EXECUTE PROGRAM: Argument List, Symbol Name Set Interpreting format to Undefined Push Symbol Name Push Arguments from Argument List, so last argument is on top PERFORM FUNCTION it is the responsibility of the calling program to free its argument list and symbol name afterword PERFORM FUNCTION Pop Arguments into Argument List Pop Symbol Name If Symbol Name is in Function Dictionary PERFORM INTERNAL FUNCTION:Argument List, Symbol Name Else if Symbol Name is in Library Dictionary PERFORM LIBRARY FUNCTION:Argument List, Symbol Name Else Error: No Such Function Destroy Argument List PERFORM INTERNAL FUNCTION: Argument List, Symbol Name If Interpreting format is Undefined, set it to Internal-Function Save current state (if there is none, ignore it...) Push local state based on Symbol Name <Set current position, etc. based on new local state...> Grab argument names, associate with argument list values in local argument dictionary. If not enough arguments, Error: Not enough arguments... Grab variable names, add to local variable dictionary. Move to beginning of function, and continue to READ EVAL PERFORM LIBRARY FUNCTION: Argument List, Symbol Name If Interpreting format is Undefined, set it to Library-Function Look up target/selector by Symbol Name Call target with selector and argument list If Interpreter was paused by target Continue to READ EVAL Though that won't do much... If return value is an error, Error: (Some Library Function Error) Else Push return value Continue to READ EVAL DO KEYWORDS Get top symbol If top symbol is If DO IF If top symbol is Set DO SET If top symbol is For DO FOR If top symbol is While DO WHILE Else Continue to READ EVAL COMPLETE FUNCTION If top item is a value Pop it and set the Return Value to it If not Set the Return Value to "" Pop off everything to and including the Local State (if there is oneŠthere might not be if the user just asked for a library function) Get New Local State (above a Library Function Node) If New Local State exists, Set Current Function to New Local State's function string Set Current Position to New Local State's position Set Current Dictionary to New Local State's Dictionary Push Return Value DO KEYWORDS If not (i.e., stack is empty) program is finished... Stop Interpreting EVALUATE VARIABLE: Symbol Name Get Local State If Symbol Name is in Local State Dictionary Push value If Symbol Name is in Global Dictionary Push value If in neither dictionary Error: No such variable GO main clock function. Calls READ EVAL While running call READ EVAL <repeats> times note that this could be done either through a timed entry or through multiple pulsing until it's done or someone pressed Command-period. READ EVAL Get next token If there's no token If Interpreting format is Library Function COMPLETE FUNCTION (user just asked for a library function--obviously, there'd be no tokens) Else Error: Out of Tokens If token is string or number or truth Push it DO KEYWORDS If token is a symbol EVALUATE VARIABLE:Symbol Name If token is ( Get next token If there's no token Error: Out of Tokens If next token is not a symbol, Error: No Function or Keyword If next token is If START IF If next token is Set START SET If next token is For START FOR If next token is While START WHILE If next token is a symbol Push it If token is ) Get top symbol above the top dictionary If there is no such top symbol COMPLETE FUNCTION If top symbol is If FINISH IF If top symbol is Set FINISH SET If top symbol is For FINISH FOR If top symbol is While FINISH WHILE If top symbol is some other symbol PERFORM FUNCTION START SET Get next token If next token is a symbol Push Set Node Set Set Node to Start_Set Load Set Node with token Else Error: Can't Set: not a variable DO SET If Set Node is Start_Set Set Set Node to Done_Set Else Error: Can't Set: too many values FINISH SET If Set Node is Done_Set Pop Value Pop Pops Set Node Push Value If Set Node's Variable is in Local State Dictionary Set Variable in Dictionary to Value If it's in the Global Dictionary Set Variable in Dictionary to Value If it's in no dictionary Error: Can't Set: no such variable Else Error: Can't Set: No value START IF Push If Node Set If Node to Start_If DO IF If If Node is Start_If Pop Value If Value is "t" Set If Node to Start_Then If Value is not "t" Set If Node to Start_Else Skip an Item skips an item, or nothing if just hits a ) If Pos is the same, Error: Can't complete If: Not enough values Note this is because if must have then but not necessarily else If If Node is Start_Then Set If Node to Done_If Skip an Item If If Node is Start_Else Set If Node to Done_If If If Node is Done_If Error: Can't complete If: too many values FINISH IF If Node is Start_If or Start_Then Error: Can't complete If: Not enough values If Node is Start_Else or Done_If Pop into Return Value Pop to If Node Pop Pops If Node Push Return Value START WHILE Push While Node Set While Node's Pos to Pos Set While Node to Start_While DO WHILE If Node is Start_While Pop Test If Test is T Set Node to True_While If Test is F Set Node to False_While Skip Push Test If Node is True_While Set Node to Done_While If Node is Done_While or Node is False_While Error: Can't Complete While: Too many values FINISH WHILE If Node is True_While or Node is Done_While Pop to While Node Reset Pos to While Node's Pos Set Node to Start_While If Node is False_While Pop into Return Value Pop to While Node Pop Pop While Node Push Return Value If Node is Start_While Error: Can't Complete While: Not Enough Values START FOR Get next token If next token is a symbol Push For Node Set For Node to Start_For Load For Node with token Else Error: Can't For: no variable DO FOR If Node is Start_For Pop StartValue If StartValue is a number Load StartValue into For's Start Set Node to End_For Else Error: Can't For: Start Value isn't a number If Node is End_For Pop EndValue If EndValue is a number Load EndValue into For's End Set Node to Step_For Else Error: Can't For: End Value isn't a number If Node is Step_For Pop StepValue If StepValue is a number Load StepValue into For's Step Set Node to Do_For Look up Variable If Variable is in Local or Global Dictionary Set Variable to StartValue Load Pos into For's Pos If Variable beyond End limits Set Node to False_For Skip Else Error: Can't For: no such variable Else Error: Can't For: Step Value isn't a number If Node is Do_For Set Node to True_For If Node is False_For or True_For or Test_For Error: Can't For: Too many values FINISH FOR If Node is True_For Pop into Reset Pos to For's Pos Set Node to Test_For If Node is False_For Pop into Return Value Pop Pops For Node Push Return Value If Node is Test_For Increment If Test is finished Pop into Return Value Pop Pops For Node Push Return Value Else Pop into Reset Pos to For's Pos Set Node to Test_For If Node is Do_For or Step_For or Start_For or End_For Error: Can't For: Not enough values
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